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Integrated Interlaken operating at 150 Gb/s in UltraScale FPGAs
The UltraScale FPGAs now feature integrated Interlaken blocks capable of running up to 150Gb/s over 12 lanes of 12.5Gb/s or 6 lanes of 25Gb/s. This demonstration shows that 150Gb/s operation on a Virtex UltraScale device on the VCU107 evaluation board running in 12x12.5Gb/s mode. By integrating Interlaken, Xilinx is able to reduce, power consumption, logic utilization and design complexity for one of the most popular protocols in networking today. For more information on the UltraScale FPGAs and the integrated Interlaken block,  2015-05-20 오후 12:19:22